Don’t Forget to Check Your Sewer System

- Plumbing

Don’t Forget to Check Your Sewer System

Your sewer system is one of the most important components of your home’s plumbing system. Your home has a piping system to bring clean water into your home, but it also has a system to carry wastewater out of your home.

While we generally focus more on the clean water, removing dirty water from your home is essential for your plumbing to work properly. Problems with your drainage line or backups in your sewer system can create problems throughout your home’s plumbing system.

As a result, it’s important to regularly check and clean out your sewer lines. It only takes one sewage backing up in your home to remind you how important this maintenance is. In hopes of helping you avoid this type of plumbing emergency, today we’re going to talk all about sewer systems and sewer system services.

What Are The Basics of Your Sewer System

whatsewersystemYour home has a drain system to remove dirty water from your house. This system is driven by gravity, with pipes taking waste down and out of your home.

Your home’s drainage lines then go down to connect to a sewer line where it will be taken to a wastewater treatment facility.

While your home likely has vents to help drive waste water out of your home, gravity provides the main force. If there are blockages in your line, wastewater is not able to flow out of your home and your entire system can back up.

Sewer System Services, Checks, and Cleanouts

sewersystemcheckIt’s often hard to know that you have a problem with your sewer line until you have a major blockage or problem. Obviously, everyone wants to avoid this whenever possible.

One simple way to avoid a major issue is through regular sewer line checks and cleanouts. You should have your sewer line cleaned at least once every two years.

During this time, your plumber will insert a video camera into your pipes to identify any build-ups and to ensure that the line is clear. While you’ll want to have your line cleaned at least every 24 months, you should immediately have your line checked if you think that you have a problem.

If you have sewage backing up in drains, hear a gurgling sound in your pipes, smell sewage or have slow or sluggish drains, it could mean that you have a problem. Don’t wait for a plumbing emergency. Instead, have your pipes inspected and cleaned as soon as possible.

The Problems Caused by a Blocked Sewer System

blockedsewersystemA blocked sewer system means major problems for your home’s plumbing system. Instead of having one blocked drain, every drain in your home is blocked.

This can lead to sewage backing up in your home, foul smells, serious water damage and even damage to your home’s pipes. At times, a blockage becomes so severe that the entire sewer line needs to be replaced.

This is a big and expensive project. A blocked sewer line can cause substantial damage to your home and your plumbing systems, and it’s one plumbing emergency that you want to avoid whenever you can.

To avoid having this problem, make sure that you’re up to date on sewer system services. If you need to have your line inspected or cleaned, call Falcon Plumbing today at (305) 251-7333.

Don’t Let Your Old Plumbing Get You Down on World Senior Citizens Day!

- Plumbing

Don’t Let Your Old Plumbing Get You Down on World Senior Citizens Day!

The seniors in our communities and throughout the world are valuable and important; that’s why we have an entire day dedicated to celebrating them - World Senior Citizens Day!

While we are acknowledging and recognizing the amazing things our wonderful senior citizens contribute, we’d like to also point out that there are certain things that don’t get better as they get older; the plumbing in your home is one of those things.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the problems that older piping can cause and why it’s important to keep them in good repair.

Low Water Pressure Can Lead to Bigger Problems

waterpressureOver time, older pipes can lead to the issue of low water pressure. You’ve probably experienced the inconvenience of low water pressure before - not fun.

However, did you know that low water pressure can be indicative of a bigger problem and potentially lead to even larger issues? Over time, the minerals and iron found in zinc throughout your pipelines can corrode your galvanized piping.

When this happens it can lead to unhealthy drinking water, create blockages with dirt and sediment and even lead to water main breaks. So, if you’re experiencing recurring low water pressure in your home currently, it’s probably best that you call in an expert ASAP.

Concerning Health Issues that Can be Caused by Older Pipes

Aside from household inconveniences and potentially larger repair and replacement issues, older pipes can unfortunately also lead to an increased chance of having health problems.

It’s incredibly essential to the safety of your household that your pipes are kept in good repair and replaced if they’re too old. Some of the problems can lead to long-term health problems that can severely impact your life. Here’s an example of just a few health issues you could experience:

  • healthissuesLong or short-term insomnia.
  • Long or short term constipation.
  • Recurring headaches.
  • Permanent cognitive issues.
  • Fatigue.
  • Reproductive problems.
  • Nausea.

The Problem of Constant Clogs

constantclogsConstant clogs in your home are definitely inconvenient and not something you want to deal with. However, clogging can also be a symptom of further problems. Clogging can be due to a buildup of waste and gunk and debris in your pipes.

When this happens, the water has less room to flow through, which can lead to slow drains or stopping entirely. This will put undue pressure onto your pipe system and can lead to further damage and costly repairs. Be sure to pay attention if this is a recurring problem in your home and call in an expert to assist in assessment.

This World Senior Citizens Day, let’s celebrate our beloved community currently in their golden years; but let’s also recognize that some things don’t age as well as others. Let’s let our seniors age like a fine wine, but ensure that the plumbing in our homes is replaced when needed and kept in good repair.

If you think your pipes may need replacement, or you’d like an assessment for possible repair, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (305) 251-7333. We’ll get a licensed and experienced technician out to you right away. We here at Falcon Plumbing would love to be your plumbing experts.

Easy Tips to Save on Your Water Bill and The Planet

- Plumbing

Easy Tips to Save Your Water Bill and The Planet

People have made a lot of mistakes when it comes to caring for our planet, but we’re starting to turn things around. Whether you purchase tissues made from recycled paper, drink from reusable water bottles, or use environmentally friendly cleaners, you’re taking small steps that have a tremendous impact over time.

Sometimes, environmentally friendly products are expensive, which might put them out of your reach if your budget is tight. However, many water conservation measures are free and can save you money right away. Read on for some frugal, home-plumbing driven water saving tips that will benefit your bank account and the planet.

Install Low Flushing Toilets

lowflushingtoiletsYou don’t have to replace perfectly good toilets, but if you’re in the market for a new toilet anyway, consider purchasing a water-efficient fixture.

The original low flush toilets weren’t very successful because the only change was that they used less water, so homeowners ended up flushing multiple times to wash away waste.

They actually ended up using more water than before. New models of the low flush toilets have improved designs so that they function effectively with less water.

The pipes in the new models are smaller, which increases the water pressure. Also, the flush valves are larger to take advantage of gravity when eliminating waste. Together, these features effectively flush waste out of your home and into your local wastewater treatment plant.

Old toilets use up to 7 gallons of water in each flush, but the low flush versions use just 1.6 gallons. In only one month, your water bill will be dramatically lower. You’ll recoup the cost of the low flush toilet in no time, especially if you have a large family.

Fix and Upgrade Shower Faucets

showerfaucetsBetween toilets and showers, our bathroom plumbing is the greatest water consumer in our home. Once you’ve upgraded your toilet, it’s time to address that leaky shower head.

Although a few drops each minute doesn’t seem like a lot, it adds up to a shocking amount of water in a few days. If you ignore a leak for a few months, you’ll end up costing yourself quite a bit of money!

When you purchase a new shower head, choose a water-efficient fixture. A slight reduction in water output likely won’t affect your shower at all, but you’ll see it on your water bill right away. The larger your family is, the more you’ll notice the savings.

If you don’t need to upgrade your showerhead, you can still save a lot of money by taking shorter showers. If your family of five reduced their showers by just one minute each, you could save hundreds of gallons of water each month. That’s something that your wallet and Mother Nature will notice!

Replace Leaky Pipes

pipeleaksWe’ve established that ignoring leaks can cost you, but what if you have leaks deep inside your pipes that you don’t even notice? If you want to see if you have hidden leaks, check your water meter before and after work.

If there’s a difference in the numbers, there’s a chance you have a leak somewhere. It’s best to hire a professional to help you find the leak and replace any faulty pipes. Toilet flappers are another secret hiding place for leaks.

To test your toilet’s efficiency, put a few drops of food coloring in the toilet tank. Check the bowl after about fifteen minutes. If the water in the bowl is colored, you have a leak, which might be a signal that it’s time to upgrade to a low flush toilet.

Small Changes Can Have a Big Impact

Choosing to do just one thing from our list will have a noticeable effect on your water bill each month. You don’t even have to spend any money to save money, although if you can afford to overhaul your bathroom plumbing, you’ll save even more money in the long run.

Our planet benefits from even the smallest efforts, so it’s worth your time to try to reduce your water use. If you suspect that you may have a hidden water leak, or you’d just like to speak with us about how you can conserve water, schedule an appointment today.

Keeping Your Showers Hot

- Plumbing

Keeping Your Showers Hot

Who likes a nice, cold bath? How about a good and icy shower? With a few very rare exceptions, most of us do not. In fact, not only is it not the first choice, the majority of us don’t even want to go a day without warm water.

While we don’t think too much about the water heaters in our home, they play an important role in our daily routine and are something that we depend on every day.

The Plumbing Behind Your Beloved Water Heater

waterheaterWhile we obviously all rely on warm showers and baths, many of us also have come to depend on warm water for washing our face and hands. Not only is it more comfortable - especially on cold days - but it’s better for your skin and helps keep your pores and skin healthy.

Given the amount that we depend on water heaters, it’s worth understanding a little bit more about how we get that hot water in the bathroom. If you have a standard, tank water heater, your water heater uses a large storage tank to heat water to have available for your tanks and faucets.

While the heating process is slightly different depending on whether you have an electric or gas water heater, the overall process is pretty much the same: the tank stores hot water that is ready and waiting. In contrast, a tankless water heater provides water “on demand” and simply heats water as you need it. These can provide an endless supply of hot water.

While you don’t see it or deal with it very often (hopefully), without your hot water heater, your bathroom would produce nothing but icy-cold water. For the majority of us, this would result in a dramatic decrease in our quality of life.

Finding the Right System For Mobile Homes

bathroomplumbingNo matter how big or small your home, you can always have access to hot water. This is true even for mobile homes.

While the water heater and its installation is slightly different than traditional homes, it works in pretty much the same way and can ensure that your mobile home has consistent access to hot water.

The primary way that water heaters differ in mobile homes is in size, as they must be smaller to fit. In addition, while the inlets are on the top of a traditional water heater, in mobile homes the cold water inlets are on the side of the water heater.

Further, if you’re using a gas water heater in a mobile home, you’ll likely have the option to use either natural gas or propane, and gas heaters must be sealed combustion.

One important thing to keep in mind is that water heaters in mobile homes must be HUD-approved. In addition, you want to ensure that the water heater has sufficient space, sufficient ventilation and that it’s properly secured to prevent movement.

Where to NOT Find a Water Heater

nodiyThere’s nothing wrong with Home Depot. In fact, we do some shopping there and they have quality products.

That said, whether you’re installing a water heater in a traditional home or a mobile home, we don’t recommend going to Home Depot and installing it yourself.

Having a professional install it will ensure that it’s done safely and properly, which can help prevent damage to your home and protect against dangerous situations. In addition, having a professional do it guarantees tuneups when they are needed. This will ensure that your water heater functions effectively and has a long lifespan.

Everyone’s got a good story to tell about a time that they ran out of hot water. Please share some of those with us so we can all get a good laugh. And, should this happen again anytime soon, call Falcon Plumbing immediately!

Finding Hard Water Solutions, Not Just Problems

- Plumbing

Finding Hard Water Solutions, Not Just Problems

There is plenty of money to be made in finding problems and taking care of the results of the problem. It keeps customers (and their money) coming back to some companies over and over again, even if it doesn’t actually solve the problem.

We’re not talking trash, it is simply the truth of some businesses. However, at Falcon Plumbing, that’s not us. We are focused on finding permanent solutions to your problem, not a temporary fix that keeps you coming back for us.

We want your repeat business but we want to earn it. As a part of focusing on solving problems, we wanted to share some tips on cleaning and avoiding hard water stains in your house.

Explaining Hard Water

hardwaterHard water is a term we hear all the time but it is rarely explained. If you are curious about exactly what hard water is, it is actually pretty simple. Hard water occurs when water has a higher concentration of minerals, most commonly calcium and magnesium.

Hard water is a natural occurrence, normally when water travels through mineral deposits like limestone or chalk. These deposits leave concentrations of minerals in our water, creating the issue. Some people advocate for drinking hard water as a health benefit but this is debatable.

What isn’t up for debate is that hard water can be very hard on your plumbing system, causing build ups in your pipes that can lead to damage. Even noticeable are those unsightly stains that come from hard water, which can be hard to deal with.

Tackling Tricky Hard Water Stains

cleaningstainsEverywhere hard water touches can be the victim of hard water stains. This means countertops, toilets, mirrors, dishes and more, including cars. The best way of treating these stains varies based on the surface.

One example that people often don’t think about is their cars. Even getting hit by the sprinkler spraying hard water can leave stains on your car. To handle these, wash your car like usual.

After washing, mix equal parts white vinegar and distilled water. Spray this solution directly on stains and let them soak. After about ten minutes, re-wash the area and apply paint polish with a microfiber towel. Finally, buff the area and your call will be sparkling like now new again.

Using a Water Softener to Stop Hard Water

watersoftenerDoes that sound like a lot of work? It is. While cleaning stains is sometimes a necessary chore, it is more effective to just prevent the problem altogether. There is a simple solution and it is installing a water softening system.

This works by utilizing a process called ion exchange, where hard water passes through a resin bed which removes the mineral deposits, leaving you with delightful soft water. The systems are incredibly effective, efficient and easy to maintain, with many modern systems performing basic maintenance on their own.

Getting a water softener will immediately address your hard water problem at the source. Tackling hard water stains over and over again is exhausting. Solve the problem once and for all by exploring water softener options by calling one of our experts at Falcon Plumbing by calling us at (305) 251-7333. We’ll be happy to help you out. And while you are at it, share this article to help your friends battling hard water stains find a long-term solution.

Longer Days, Less Water: Ways to Make it Happen

- Plumbing

Longer Days, Less Water: Ways to Make it Happen

Most people are relieved and happy when the winter is over. Whether it’s the warmer weather, the blooming flowers, or the longer days. While you may be looking forward to added daytime hours at the park or family cookouts, did you know that that this change affects your plumbing system too? We’re going to look at Daylight Savings, how it affects your water usage, and what you can do about it.

Why do we Have Daylight Savings Time?

onehourA lot of people think that Daylight Savings is a waste of time. But Daylight Savings was created so that we can use as much of the daylight hours as possible, as well as save energy.

Since we are awake when the sun is out, we can use natural light so that we’re turning our lights on in our home later.

While this originated from the creative mind of Benjamin Franklin as a way to make the most of the workday, it has not become an effective way to also manage energy and water costs.

This means that we are using less electricity. Not only does this save electricity, but it also saves you money because your electric bill is a lot lower than it would be, while also helping the environment.

How Can You Save Water Ever With a Time Change?

Even though people are using less electricity during Daylight Savings, one of the things that they use more of is water. This is very common, as chances are they’re using more water for things like:

  • Washing vehicles.
  • savewaterWatering their flowers.
  • Watering their lawns.
  • Filling up swimming pools.
  • Washing down patio furniture.

But even though you are using more water, you can reduce your water usage through these tips below:

  • Install efficient appliances.
  • Install efficient toilets.
  • Turn off the taps while shaving, brushing teeth, etc.
  • Water during the evening.
  • Take showers not baths.
  • Fill the washer and the dishwasher – this also is going to help you with saving electricity.

As long as you keep in mind how much water you’re using on a daily basis, and prioritizing usage, you can cut down on the added consumption that comes with the time change.

Reasons to Consider Going Green

goinggreenIt’s easy to see why you would want to conserve water when you have to pay for it through the city.

But even people who have a well should be careful about the amount of water that they have. After all, there’s no telling how long a well is going to last.

But going green also can help your plumbing. Below are some benefits of using less water on your plumbing.

  • Less wear and tear.
  • Your plumbing lasts longer.
  • Fewer effects of hard water on plumbing.
  • Less chance of corrosion in your plumbing.

Think about all of the ways that you’re planning to use water during the longer daylight hours. Now think about the ways that you can save water and use less water overall. When you do this, you’ll find that you’re saving money on your water bill and on your electric bill.

If you have any questions or want to know about more ways that you can save water, call Falcon Plumbing at (305) 251-7333. We are always glad to show you how you can save money by using less water and helping the environment.

10 Awesome Plumbing Memes For 2018

- Plumbing

10 Awesome Plumbing Memes For 2018

The most important advice anyone can give you is to enjoy the humor in life. After spending 40+ hours a week in serious business mode, it’s an essential skill to be able to have a chuckle or two.

As plumbers, we see our fair share of stress - particularly when our customers call us with emergency plumbing situations.

We always work diligently to find them a quality solution, but oftentimes these issues stem from some DIY mishap. These mishaps are often the source material for some of our favorite humor - plumbing memes.

In order to celebrate the end of a successful year, and as a way to prepare for another year of fun plumbing services, we offer our customers a look into our top 10 favorite plumbing inspired memes of 2018!

  1. Social Media: When you can’t get enough of your likes, favorites, and shares, take the fun to your bathroom decorating too! Nothing says “I love social media,” quite like a custom-made shower curtain complete with a profile pic.socialmedia
  2. Puppy Plumbers: Who knew, the answer to getting to those hard to reach areas in your plumbing is a helping paw...or just enough cuddling to stop you from losing your cool when that one nut won’t turn.dogs
  3. Ron Burgundy: Stay classy home plumbing. Always be sure to flex your muscles for your plumber and point them in the right direction of that water leak.pipes
  4. Cutting Water: So you didn’t mean literally cutting the water? What’s the main water valve and how do I find it in my home?cutwater
  5. Cat Pool: Floating cat doesn’t appreciate your ambitious plumbing repair. Floating cat just want’s a relaxing day without the risk of getting
  6. Nut Funny: Do plumbers ever tell good jokes? Only the ones that are screwy - and even then - you run the risk of another nut funny pun.nut
  7. Dos XX: By the third time you visit your local hardware store, chances are you’ll be offered a helping hand. Or you can forget that other screw you’re going to need to secure that new faucet and get lunch for your family too.interestingman
  8. Drano: Who has time for reading directions? Drano should work on any clog - maybe you just need to pour more before it starts working - said no experienced plumber ever.drano
  9. Cooking Grease: What do you get when hot cooking grease meets cold water? A huge blockage - so the next time you finish frying some bacon - save the grease instead. Your pipes will thank you later.hotoil
  10. Plumbing War: Nothing says your plumbing is shot, like throwing on your Viking hat and having some fun in your flooded basement. Glass half full right?viking

Call a Plumber Instead

As homeowners and handy ones at that, we appreciate folks who try to fix issues on their own.

However, some of these DIY fixes, are often the source of our plumbing humor. If you own a home in Miami, Falcon Plumbing can help you with all your plumbing needs.

Best of all? We have a sense of humor too! So be sure to comment and favorite our plumbing memes, and give us a call the next time you need some plumbing help.

How to Find Artistic Professional Plumbing

- Plumbing

How to Find Artistic Professional Plumbing

Don’t you love going to the ballet… or maybe to see a play or movie? If those aren’t your idea of fun, it might be reading a good book, going to a museum, or visiting cities with beautiful architecture.

Either way, all of these examples are fun ways to enjoy art. It’s common for different people to have different views of art, appreciate certain forms more than others, or have complete contempt for a select few types.

It is important to be open to all types of art, no matter what form it takes, and to see it for what it is--someone’s creation.

This is why professional plumbing can be considered art and we would like to take a deeper look as to why plumbers might be viewed as master artists. Keep reading to find out more!

Plumbing Has Always Been an Art

“alwaysart”We are going to take a quick look at the history of the word ‘art.’ The word actually stems from ‘artifice’ which can be translated in Latin to mean ‘workmanship.’

There are also other schools of thought that define ‘art’ as anything that is not of nature. Using this definition, everything from furniture, televisions, shelving, and cola cans can be considered art.

This also means that plumbing is, in fact, an art. Plumbing has been around since 4,000-3,000 BC and was used by ancient Egyptians. In addition, the Greeks and Romans also used plumbing in the form of ‘toilets’ and bathhouses.

We put the word toilet in quotes due to the fact they were nothing at all like the modern toilets of today, instead, more like holes in the ground.

Famous Plumbing Structures

“modernplumbing”You might still be erring on the side of caution when it comes to calling plumbing ‘art.’

We completely understand but think of all of the famous fountains and aqueducts!

The Trevi Fountain in Rome is one of the most popular destinations in the world and the Fountain of Wealth in Singapore is another sought after tourist spot.

The Los Angeles River Aqueduct has been featured in hundreds of movies including Grease, The Italian Job, Terminator 2, Drive, Point Blank, and Gone in Sixty Seconds. A second, equally as famous aqueduct can be found in France:

Pont du Gard. If you are STILL unconvinced, think of the Fountains of Bellagio. The water is paired with lights and music for an astounding show for visitors to see!

Plumbing in Suburbia

“communityplumbing”Some of the mentioned destinations are far away and you might never see yourself visiting them.

However, you can see some beautiful art just by looking out your windows!

Designed lakes and their accompanying fountains, irrigation systems that keep your flowers alive, and the sewage pipes that you can’t even see are all forms of art.

The fact is, that even though you can’t see some of these fixtures, someone created them, they serve a purpose, and they help keep your surroundings beautiful.

Plumbing Perspectives

Seeing everything that in man-made as art can be a bit of a stretch for some people. However, being able to appreciate the thought, the design, and the final product are all a matter of perspective.

If you see your child’s hand-drawn picture as priceless as the Mona Lisa, you know exactly what we’re talking about. It is all in how you appreciate someone else’s creativity.

If you enjoyed the plumbing history lesson and the shift in perspective, take a moment to share this blog with your friends! Maybe they can learn something too!

Plumbing Materials Every Apprentice Plumbing Should Know

- Plumbing

Plumbing Materials Every Apprentice Plumbing Should Know

Before you start providing plumbing services in your area, you’re going to want to learn everything you can about the materials you’ll be using. Apprenticeship is a great time in every plumber's career where everything is a learning opportunity.

The habits and knowledge you gain now will impact your entire career. Because of this, it’s important to know what pipes are best for what situations, so you can provide your customers with the very best services around.

A Pipe For Every Situation

Whether you’re dealing with a burst pipe that needs replacement or just installing new plumbing in a customer's home, you’re going to have a few options to choose from. The most important thing to keep in mind is what your customer wants as customer service is the most important skill to have as a plumber.

You should always consider their budget, the repair needs they have, and what application they need the new pipes for. Because you wouldn't use a PVC pipe for a pressurized gas line, it’s important to educate your customers why you’re choosing certain materials for their home.

For Long-Lasting Solutions go With Cast Iron

“castiron”In the past, cast iron pipes were the go-to material for all plumbers. They are durable, versatile, and can work both for water lines and gas lines.

However, because of all these great advantages, they also come with a disadvantage, that being cost. Cast iron pipes are on the expensive side and may not be the best choice for a whole home repiping.

With that being said, if your customers’ home already has cast iron pipes or they’re looking for a long-lasting solution, then cast iron might be a great choice for their home.

Chromed Copper Looks Good & Works Great Too

“chromecopper”Copper pipes are used for just about every application in residential plumbing. These lines are flexible and durable and can be installed just about everywhere.

While they’re a great asset to plumbers, they’re not always the nicest looking pipes around. Chromed copper fixes all that by blending functionality pipes with good looks.

These pipes are ideal for use in bathroom plumbing and even kitchens, or just about anywhere that guests can see them. You’ll often see these pipes in bathrooms because they work well with water and have a pristine look.

PVC: The Plumbing Workhorse

“pvc”All plumbers should always have a good amount of PVC pipes in their work vans. Why? Because these pipes can be used for just about any application. They’re durable and versatile and can easily work for water supply lines.

While they can withstand the flow of high-pressure water, they can also easily be cut down to size, making them a great choice in tight spaces or plumbing applications that need a bit of manufacturing to work.

Another great reason why homeowners love these pipes is because they are cost effective. PVC is affordable and can be purchased in bulk for use throughout a customers’ home. Additionally, they last a considerable amount of time and don’t often break down the way metal-based pipes do.

Top Tips For Your First Plumbing Job

- Plumbing

Top Tips For Your First Plumbing Job

For those who know the trade, plumbing is all about learning and refining your skills. So if you’re going to start your first plumbing job, there are some helpful tips to make the most of your earlier years in the industry.

The most important thing to consider is you’re going to need to hone your skills with pros who know the ins and outs of plumbing. Falcon Plumbing is just that company. Since 1986 they’ve been helping homeowners in and around the Miami area with all their plumbing needs.

They have highly skilled plumbers that become the perfect teachers to learn the trade and become the best in the area. So if you’re looking for a plumbing job - always look for an opportunity where you can grow.

Plumbing is All About Customer Service

“costumerservice”While it may not be retail, plumbing jobs are still all about customer service. In most scenarios, someone is going to be calling you in their biggest time of need.

Whether there’s a water leak causing thousands in damages or a gas leak that’s threatening their very safety, they’re going to need your help.

That’s why it’s always important to treat your customer’s the way you’d want your own family to be treated. This includes being courteous on the phone, arriving on time and ready to work, and always treating their home with respect. A homeowner will remember a service if it’s either terrible or exceedingly great - and you should always go for the latter.

Come Prepared With The Right Gear

“protectivegear”It’s never a good thing to learn mid-job that you’re missing an essential part of the equipment to get your job done right.

You should always ensure that your truck is fully stocked and you have everything you need to solve any problem.

While in some instances you may know what you’re going to need to get a job done - in most cases more damage pops up as you go. That doesn’t just mean having a wrench.

It also means having all the technical equipment like a welding mask and natural gas detector. The more equipment you have on hand, the better you’ll be at your job - since you’ll be ready to face any issue.

Learn On-The-Job-Skills as You Go

Plumbing is definitely a skill that you learn and improve as you do it, which is why you should always be open and receptive to learning new skills - technical and simple alike. Some great examples include:

  • Cutting a Pipe with a String: Working in tight conditions? With enough friction - you can cut a pipe using only a string. This simple trick can save you a lot of time when dealing with small water leaks and damaged sections of plumbing.
  • Loosen a Pipe with Heat: Many homeowners let their plumbing go for years without service. This means any and all pipes you try to unscrew will be tighter than ever. Simply heat them with a torch and they’ll loosen in no time!
  • Thread Tape is Your Best Friend: Want to avoid water leaks and ensure your new connection stay sealed for longer? Thread tape is the perfect way to do both - and it’s as easy as wrapping and connections before making them.
  • As long as you’re always learning - any plumbing job is going to be a rewarding experience that’ll help homeowners everywhere!