Reasons You Should Invest in Plumbing Replacements Over Repairs

- Plumbing

Reasons You Should Invest in Plumbing Replacements Over Repairs

It's a debate every Miami, FL homeowner goes through when it comes to dealing with broken down plumbing devices. Repair or replace? Nobody wants to spend money replacing something that could be repaired, but nobody wants to get stuck constantly repairing something that breaks easily.

Every device in your home has a limited lifespan, but sometimes it's worth it to do a plumbing repipe. Installing a new plumbing device comes with a high initial cost, but a brand new machine won't need to be serviced as frequently, and modern models tend to be more eco-friendly. It may end up paying for itself down the road. So when is it time to buy a replacement? We go through several devices and the reasons for investing in replacements.

Water Heaters

“waterheater”There are several signs, which indicate your water heater is ready to be put to pasture. Water heaters generally last about ten years, but symptoms of a unit in decline may begin to present themselves well before this time.

Rust spots, water leaks, and loud noises, indicating sediment buildup, are always bad signs. These lead to inefficiencies and accelerated damage. Failure to heat water up to appropriate levels is also a sign of a heater in decline.

Tankless water heaters are a viable option if you're considering replacing your traditional device. They connect directly to a home's plumbing and produce a limitless supply of hot water on demand. There's also no need for a tank to heat up water, so you save space and fuel. Practical and energy efficient.

Kitchen Sinks

“kitchensink”There may be several reasons to replace a kitchen sink and faucets. One of the most apparent has to do with the age and state of the sink.

If you own an old sink that cracks frequently, there's a danger posed to the surrounding area. Water damage could spread from the sink.

Buying a new sink and properly sealing it could quell any crisis. If you don't own water-efficient faucets, a sink replacement is a perfect opportunity to purchase them. This should help with your water consumption and save you money on your water bill.

Shower Tops

“showertop”Sediment buildup in your shower top could affect not only water pressure and efficiency but lead to damaged plumbing, such as burst pipes, and water damage in the surrounding area.

If you're unable to fully clean up the clogs, it may be time to find a replacement shower top. This opportunity could also be taken to find a water-efficient shower top, which should help with water consumption and utility costs.

Washing Machines

“washingmachine”Washing machines have a life expectancy of about ten years. As you approach this mark, it may begin to exhibit signs of decline, which indicate it's in need of replacement washing machine.

If the machine leaks, and it's not caused by loose hoses or too big a load, there may be a crack in the tub.

Fixing this is a big job, and it may make more sense to buy a new device. A loud washer caused by a loose drum or motor mount, which would also be costly to fix, may warrant buying a new machine.

It would be wise to advantage of the situation by purchasing a modern, eco-friendly washing machine that saves on both water and energy. This could add up to big savings and help the environment.

If Your Water Bill is Getting Out of Hand, Try These 4 Tips For Lowering It

- Plumbing

If Your Water Bill is Getting Out of Hand, Try These 4 Tips For Lowering It

If you are shocked by the amount on your water bill then you should take a two-pronged approach to finding out why it is suddenly too high. First of all, question all family members to see if water is being used extravagantly.

It could be that someone is secretly watering the garden to have the lushest one on the block or that someone is washing their motorcycle every day. Secondly, incorporate these three simple lifestyle changes to help reduce, reuse and recycle water in your home.

#1 Take A Shower Instead of Having a Bath

ShowerThere are a few ways that taking a shower can help cut your water bill costs. Taking a shower instead of a bath can cut the cost of getting clean by 50%.

It also helps to install a low-flow showerhead, which paces out the way the water flows out of the pipes, often also resulting in a reduction of water consumption of 60%.

If you shut off the water as you clean yourself and cut down the amount of time that you spend in the shower, you can also save about five gallons of water per minute.

#2 Recycle The Greywater That You Use In The Garden

Water PlantsThe greywater that you use for washing just about anything can be saved from your bathtub, showers, kitchen sink and washing machines. Greywater may be slightly contaminated with food, grease and dirt and even a bit of soap and still be safe for use in your garden.

However, if the water contains high amounts of baking soda, salt bleach, ammonia or human feces, then it is not a good idea to irrigate your garden with it. Call a professional plumber to find out how you can hook up your washing machine with a flexible hose so that greywater from doing laundry is always funneled into your garden.

#3 Take Your Car to a Carwash

Car WashWashing your car at an automated car wash saves both money and the environment for two reasons. Car washes have automated water systems which help conserve water bill for the carwash facility and also they are required by law to dispose of wastewater in an earth-friendly way.

Water from car washes is treated and filtered at a treatment plant or at the business site, where it is often recycled and used again. By contrast, if you wash your car at home, you end up using a great deal more water from your hose, the wastewater ends up in the gutter and drains where it possibly flows into streams, rivers, and the ocean.

#4 Have A Professional Plumber Inspect Your Home For Leaks

Water LeakRemember that if your water bill is still exceedingly high after you have made efforts to recycle or cut down on water, then there might be a plumbing leak somewhere in your basement or behind a wall.

You can sometimes feel wetness on the wall or even smell mold and mildew growth as the result of a tiny leak in a pipe. Sometimes a faulty backwash of water saturates the soil around a home and causes issues.

It is important for Miami, FL residents to have any issues like this addressed as fast as possible as you might be paying for gallons of water that is leaking into the ground or beneath your home’s foundation.