If you’re looking for affordable, high-quality Miami plumbing service it’s time to pick up the phone and call the experts at Falcon Plumbing at 305-251-7333.

We only work with the most qualified plumbing professionals, which means that you can count on every Falcon Plumbing technician who arrives at the door of your Miami, FL home or business to be fully certified, licensed, and insured.
Not only are we flexible and ready to help, we also offer special discounts on our services so you always know who to call for all your plumbing needs. Learn more by visiting our coupons page now.
Get Professional Help for All Your Plumbing Needs
Are you interested in remodelling your bathroom or kitchen? We’re always happy to advise you on the best plumbing setup for your special project, and can help you choose the right kinds of pipes and fixtures to suit your aesthetic, budget, and plumbing system concerns.
Emergency Services
Plumbing emergencies are among the most stressful experiences that a homeowner can have - we know it from years of professional and personal experience! That’s why we’re pleased to offer service for all plumbing jobs, so you can call a trained professional to help you resolve your plumbing emergency and assist you with putting preventative measures in place to keep it from happening again.
See What Others are Saying
See how we’ve helped lots of homeowners just like you improve the value of their homes with beautiful new plumbing in their kitchen or bathroom by checking out our reviews below.
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When you call Falcon Plumbing at 305-251-7333 you can always rest a little easier knowing that a certified and fully qualified plumbing technician is ready to arrive at your Miami, FL home or business.